Monday, June 18, 2012

Full Metal... Uhh... Deals!

Clearly it's a GUY thing. I can't imagine getting excited about authentic and recycled Army equipment. Did you know UFS carries grenades....OK they're replicas but the batons aren't, nor are the Czech M52 steel helmets...(paintball, anyone?) We also have an item called a "Czech Rucksack" which comes in many styles.  All of them are a lovely Army green and remind me of backpacks for camping. There are Army medical kits, something called a "quartermaster", and a metal locker for your best treasures. No self respecting woman would want these items, all the same color, no matter how efficient the function. So Guys, it's up to you. Before your next camping trip, hiking adventure, or fishing extravaganza come to UFS and load up on these extremely functional Army Surplus supplies. You won't care about the color once you see the price.

~Claire Serafin Wiegand

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